This year’s “A” Team Schedule ~ 2023-2024 Calendar
CLASS TIME is 10:15 AM to 11:00 AM, following the 9:00 AM Sunday Mass CLASS LOCATION is Room 4 on the 3rd floor of the St. Agnes Parish Center
Sunday, November 5th – “Come & See” - God Our Creator - Meet and greet welcoming session, begins after the 9:00 AM Welcoming Sunday Mass
Sunday, December 3rd - God Loves all He Created
Sunday, January 7th - The Church, Our Community
Sunday, February 4th - Sacraments, Our way of Life/Sacramental Preparation
Sunday, March 3rd - Our Lived Faith & Liturgical Seasons
Sunday, May 5th - Mary Mother of God
A program for families interested in participating in a small group program for children with special learning styles.
Parent Survey, so we may know more about your child, in order to provide a positive fun and faith filled experience. Please return to Paula Colpitts at the Parish Office. Download Survey
If you would like to volunteer, you do not need a background in special education, you need to have a love of children and God! For more information Contact Paula Colpitts.