Drop boxes at both Churches - or -
Drop in the Sunday Offertory
You can make a difference in a child’s/family’s Christmas! The Christmas Giving program to benefit Catholic Charities has begun and will end on Monday, December 16, 2024.
This is a long standing tradition that supports the efforts of Catholic Charities. Catholic Charities requests store gift cards only, to allow families to purchase gifts that meet the specific interests and needs of their family. Please take a gift request from the Giving Boards located at both churches’ entrances. Gift cards returned at St. Athanasius will benefit Catholic Charities North Families & Education Program. Gift cards returned at St. Agnes will benefit Catholic Charities Peabody Child Care Center. Gift cards can be dropped in the offertory basket or in the collection box at St. Athanasius in the entryway near the restroom; or in the collection boxes (labelled) at St. Agnes located at the Woburn Street entrance and the Handicap entrance.
Catholic Charities Peabody Child Care Center serves children in Peabody, Salem, Beverly and Danvers. The Center is a year round child care facility. The early childhood program serves children ages 2.9 years through 7 years old. The school age program is a year round program open to children ages 5 to 13 years. Catholic Charities North Families & Education Program benefits young families receiving services from Catholic Charities who are struggling to provide the necessities for themselves. The recipients are participating in Catholic Charities’ education program in an effort to build a self-supporting future for their families.