The Parish Facilities Advisory Committee is a volunteer group of professionals skilled in different aspects of construction, finish work, landscaping, and building systems by either profession or personal expertise that advise the Pastor and the Business Manager by
(1) assisting with ongoing assessments of grounds, buildings, systems, and facilities;
(2) helping the parish to prioritize maintenance and upkeep expenditures within a framework of good financial stewardship;
(3) recommending qualified service providers to bid on parish work where necessary and prudent; and
(4) keeping Parish staff up to date on best practices with regards to the grounds and facilities we manage.
The expected time commitment is (4) 2–4-hour assessment walkthroughs per year, plus follow-up feedback and planning sessions. Members of the team can be assured that there is no agenda here to pressure them to offer free services, simply to lend their expertise as parishioners to the management of our Christ the King Parish grounds and facilities.
Interested parishioners should contact Jim Fitzgerald, Parish Business Manager,