"If we do not share what we have been given, then the gift was never truly received. Every gift given is meant to be passed along.”
~ Carrie Gress Nudging Conversations
I have had the great pleasure of being in several different Small Faith Sharing Groups over the course of the Faith & Fellowship Program. I have met new people from both parishes, deepened my knowledge and understanding of our faith, developed new prayer habits, and have been inspired by the Catholic community I am a part of. We learn together, pray together, care for each other and have fun!
~ Rosemarie DeLacy
The reason I participate in Faith and Fellowship is because life is too busy. That sounds like a contradiction but setting aside one hour a week to focus on my faith assures that I am not standing still, or worse, retreating in my faith. Without this structure, one week rolls into the next without growing closer to Jesus.
~ Nick Aiello
Faith & Fellowship (small groups) has been a gift in my life in more ways that I could have imagined. Not only has my faith been deepened, but I have found such joy and laughter among a group of people that I may not have gotten to know otherwise.
~ Amy Staffier
My wife Carmen and I joined a Faith & Fellowship Group to learn more about God and our faith. What really happened is we also learned a whole lot about each other, our family, and our Team Members - and experienced how to support each other in our faith journey. This special experience has brought us closer to God and his Plan for us. Faith & Fellowship is Accompaniment in action: "Accompaniment in deed. . . Accompaniment indeed!
~ Tom and Carmen O'Rourke