Appropriate Church attire is expected, showing reverence to the Sacrament. Girls have worn white and also other Church-appropriate attire: both are acceptable. Boys have worn white, and other Church-appropriate attire (Khakis/blue blazer, tie, etc.)
Do you ever feel like it's almost impossible to raise holy kids who love God (and sit still in Mass!) in our modern world? You're not alone. This six-episode series features real Catholic families like yours sharing their daily struggles and victories. Created by the Augustine Institute and Catholic Sprouts, The Catholic Parent aims to encourage you as a mom or dad as you embrace your God-given role to form your family in the richness of the Catholic faith.
2/15/2024 - Episode #2 - Confession
2/29/2024 - Episode #3 – Family Prayer
3/7/2024 - Episode #4 - Sacrifice
3/14/2024 - Episode #5 - Generosity
3/21/2024 - Episode #6 – Handing on the Faith