Life is sacred. Life is a mystery. Life must be protected, nurtured, respected. The Gospel of Life is the centerpiece of the Church’s social teaching…It is our task to witness to the truth that love, compassion and solidarity can build a just society that will be safer for the poor, the unborn and those on the periphery.”
Seán Cardinal O’Malley, OFM Cap, Pro-Life Homily - 1/23/20
This Ministry seeks to promote the sacredness of life from conception to natural death within our parishes and our community. Members sponsor and arrange education on various issues and promote grassroots action by parishioners in cooperation with the Pregnancy Care Center, Your Options Medical, the Knights of Columbus, the Massachusetts Citizens for Life, and the Archdiocesan Pro-Life Dicastery. The ministry regularly conducts a January Baby Bottle Drive to the Pregnancy Care Center and Your Options Medical, and the Walk For Life in June.
Contact for more information: Jonathan Nauman
telephone: 978-922-7015 or email:
In a special way, we are called to provide care to the most vulnerable and marginalized among us which includes the unborn, the terminally ill, those with severe disabilities, those on death row, and refugees and migrants around the world who have been displaced by war, famine and civil unrest.
The Sanctity of Life Ministry organizes activities and events to promote Church teachings on respect for life from conception to natural death. We direct fundraisers for local pregnancy care centers, sponsor visiting speakers on relevant issues, and post bulletin spots to raise parish awareness on pro-life topics.
Those who follow local and national politics will have heard that in June of 2022 the Supreme Court of the United States overturned Roe vs. Wade, a notoriously unjust decision that the Court handed down back in 1973. Roe vs. Wade, a document now thankfully obsolete, was consistently opposed both by the Church and by many thoughtful men and women outside of the Church because it denied human rights to children in the womb, who are in biological reality just as irreplaceable and unique as adults and children whose birthday has already happened.
This change at the national level will allow the people of our country to make rules to protect new life in the womb. In Massachusetts many elected officials are persuaded that abortion is the presumed and preferred solution whenever men and women who have created new life find the prospect of raising a child inconvenient. This unfortunate state of affairs has not changed our Church’s commitment to urge our society and government to protect life at all stages and to support pregnant women and families in need. The Reading Catholic Community is grateful to renew its longstanding partnerships with the Pregnancy Care Center, and with A Woman’s Concern/Your Options Medical, life-friendly local organizations who give their clients opportunity to make truthful and loving choices with continuing support after childbirth.
Those interested in the details of Church teaching on morality and public policy in relation to these issues are urged to read Pope St. John Paul II’s encyclical The Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae).
If you would like o receive a free copy of this document in book form, please contact Jonathan Nauman