February 15/16 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Song Title | Key | YouTube Links |
Gathering Song | "10,000 Reasons" | D | |
Gloria | Mass of St. Mary Magdalene | D | |
Psalm | “Respond & Acclaim” | E | |
Gospel Acclamation | “Respond & Acclaim” | C | |
Preparation of the Gifts | “Seek Ye First” | D | |
Holy, Holy, Holy | “Mass of St. Mary Magdalene” | Dm | |
Memorial Acclamation | “Mass of St. Mary Magdalene” | Dm | |
Great Amen | “Mass of St. Mary Magdalene” | Dm | |
Lamb of God | “Mass of St. Mary Magdalene” | Dm | |
Communion Songs | "Blest Are They" | G | |
Meditation Songs | "Prayer of St. Francis" | C | |
Closing | "Lead Me Lord" | G |